Thursday, November 16, 2017

Masterful Solo Guitarist Chand K. Nova Releases His Latest EP "Uncuffed" On Bongo Boy Records WORLDWIDE

The other day I received a surprise from my friends at Bongo Boy. They know how much I love a really good guitar solo so they sent me a copy of the new EP from Chand K Nova who is out of London (No, not Ontario, the other London.) Now, in all seriousness, the UK has produced many of the best Rock musicians in the world, so it is with great eagerness that I cue up Chand's EP which is called UNCUFFED.


1. El Chando - I like the Spanish influenced guitar at the beginning of the track. The drums and bass come in and lay down a heavy groove as Chand shows his prowess on the guitar. This song really rocks. I am normally not a huge fan of Spanish guitar, not because the music is bad, actually when played well Spanish guitar is fantastic. The reason I am usually not a huge fan is that I often lose the groove after a while and start thinking of something else instead of listening to the music. This song is different! The drums and bass keep that groove going. I am not at all tempted to start looking out the window. You see folks I was ADHD back when it was just called being annoying. All in all, this is a cool song that keeps my attention and I am very impressed with not just the guitar, but with the entire band.

2. Kingdom Come - Wow, this song starts with some beautiful guitar work. Chand, you are a VERY good player. Then the drums come in and along with what sounds like a keyboard and bass lay down the bottom that makes my head nod. I am digging this song as I keep time with their drummer and listen in amazement at Chand's skills. The echoing droning effect in the middle of the song which plays off the drums is really cool - then Chand kicks in and the focus is back on the guitar. Just when I thought the song was about to end, Chand changes the voice on his amp and comes out with a very clean Rock solo. There is no feedback or Whammy Bar effects. What there is, is a man who can play blistering notes incredibly cleanly. Impressive.

3. The Cost of Freedom - Again, this song opens up with a stunningly beautiful guitar intro. Then the drums come in for the attack and give the song an intense beat. The rhythm section is in the pocket and has my attention. This is perfect, because as they lock in, Chand can do his magic on the guitar. I must say that while Chand is undoubtedly the main musician in the group, the other musicians playing on this EP really bring out the best in Chand. Simply put: They give him the perfect backdrop from which he can shine. Well done guys!

4. Uncuffed - Man, this guy can really play. The guitar at the beginning is memorizing. Then the monster bass comes in and the drums follow suit. All together this band can make some noise. It is quite melodic noise, but it smokes nonetheless. I am literally amazed as I listen to this track on my headphones. Folks, you really need to check out this band. I especially enjoy the part of the song where Chand turns up the volume and lets loose with a raging solo that is clean as a whistle.

5. The Beginning Of The End - Is that a keyboard I hear opening this track? Ah, then the guitar comes in and, as I have grown to expect, plays some simply beautiful music. Chand really is a very good player with a style all his own. Unlike some other albums that are purely instrumental, this EP does not have the feeling that the vocals are missing. I find myself enjoying every song and never once wondering when the vocals are going to come in.

Song Titles
1. El Chando
2. Kingdom Come
3. The Cost of Freedom
4. Uncuffed
5. The Beginning Of The End

So folks, what is the bottom line? It is this: Chand is a masterful player making some staggering-ly good music. I am happy to have this EP in my personal collection and the next time I have a long commute I am going to bring Chand along to make the time more enjoyable.

Artist Official Web Site:
Artist Page:
Digital Release


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