Rehearsing with a large for days, Azerbaijani representative Elnur is now ready for Eurovision Song Contest! Soon, Azerbaijani singer will sing ‘Hour of the Wolf' to the audience from all over the world. Eurovision authorities in Vienna tell that Elnur is among the favourite top 10 singers in the contest!
Preparing to make his first performance in the semi-finals on 21st of May, Elnur expresses his excitement "We have prepared a spectacular show which will leave everyone breathless. We did our best and I hope everyone will like it and feel it at heart."
Elnur indicates he is both surprised and pleased to see that celebrities support him on social network: "I didn't expect anything of that sort and I am very pleased. I would like to thank everyone who spent time to make those videos. I hope to satisfy you with the result."
Among the celebrities supporting Elnur are: Acun Ilýcalý, Fettah Can, Gupse Özay, 3ADAM Eser Yenenler-Ýbrahim Büyüykak-Oðuzhan Koç, Gupse Özay, Þebnem Bozoklu, Levent ülgen, Asuman Dabak, Betül Demir, Alper Kul, Murat Evgin, Bülent Parlak, Gülhan Tekin, Suzan Kardeþ, Ýskender Paydaþ, Suat Ateþdaðlý, Fatma Toptaþ, Cansu Kurtcu, Günay Musayeva, Aydýn Kurtoðlu, Sefa Doðanay, Çiðdem Batur and Barýþ Arduç.
‘Hour of the Wolf', the song to be sung by Elnur in the competition in Vienna, Austria, attracts more attention every other day.
Elnur will be accompanied by 2 dancers on the stage. One of the dancers is Lucas McFarlane, winner of British dance show ‘So You Think You Can Dance' and favourite of Taylor Swift and Celine Dion, while the other dancer is Julia Spiesser, the ex-choreographer of ‘X Factor' show in France! Choreography of the amazing dance show inspired by wild nature which does not tell an ordinary love story has been made by Ambra Succi, known for designing the choreography of Swedish singer Loreen who became the winner of Eurovision Song Contest in 2012! 3 vocalists will accompany the famous singer in the contest.
Elnur will come out as the 11th contestant in the semi-final in Vienna on 21st of May. Final will be held on 23rd of May.
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Elnur Huseynov- Eurovision 2015- ‘Hour of the Wolf'
Youtube Channel of Elnur: