Monday, December 14, 2015

New Drumming Invention by Benson Music

Kickstarter Link:

Pro and semi-pro musicians play a variety of gigs from house parties and bars to medium size clubs. Most venues do not have a carpet for the drum set. To solve the problem of Bass Drum Creep drummers must always carry a carpet on which to set the bass drum. Drum rugs, which tried to solve this problem, are expensive and, like a carpet, a hassle to haul around. After dealing with this for many years, and having a tough time fitting a carpet and his drum kit in his tiny Honda Civic, Gary Benson invented The Strap. The Strap cures the problem of bass drum creep with one simple, non-invasive and compact solution. The Strap keeps the bass drum in place by securely attaching to the bass drum via the foot pedal clamp and hooking to center post of the drum throne. You become the anchor for your bass drum.

Gary say's "I can't count how many times I've showed up at a club or bar with cement or tile floors. With The Strap I never have to be concerned. I can play on any surface with no worries about bass drum creep. I have been using The Strap for over 2 years and have found it a necessity. Never again will my lead singer have to hold my bass drum with his foot."

At the heart of the patent is the steel plate design, adjustable length and universal fit which sets it apart from other attempts at similar solutions. The Strap easily and securely attaches to the bottom of any foot pedal thus ensuring it is never forgotten.

Please visit us at for an overview of The Strap and "real use" videos. ®US In addition to The Strap Gary has also invented Hi-Hat restraint and several other drum accessories which will be released in 2016.

Benson Music

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